Brazil / Automotive
Redefined the audience
"The challenge of this project was to add statistical analyses to a cross-performance simulator between effects that impact consumer perception, in turn providing decision-making in three axes; customer satisfaction, cost and deadline."
Business issue
Our client launched a new vehicle in the entry-level segment, however they identified that the model had the potential to win over consumers in a higher range. In this higher range, the client's competitors delivered superior performance and quality, and so the challenge was to raise its attributes, allowing the model to position itself at the top of the ranking.
Our solution
The starting point of our solution was the unionized study of automotive quality. Through this, we were able to evaluate the main attributes and KPIs of our client's vehicle, comparing them with the target segment and the best-in-class model. We drew an evolutionary target curve with the consideration that the competitor's target model would also evolve. Supported by statistical modelling, we visited the factory where the model is produced and compared it with the competition and reproduced the priority items on the test track. We used this knowledge to develop a "cross-function" simulator that guided decision-making as the product evolves.
For more information on this case study, get in touch here.
The application of the methodology, in association with the expertise of the customer's engineers and quality managers, provided a greater focus on prioritising the actions with the highest qualitative return and reducing the GAP to the best-in-class model. The triad – quality, cost, and deadline – was applied to each new investment decision and treatment of items that would propel the model to the top of the ranking. After three waves of measurement through proprietary and unionized quality studies, the result achieved was a +35% reduction in the GAP versus the starting point. The simulator became a reference for each new wave of the study, reinforcing decision-making. The success of the action has provided positive sales volumes to the model, which today occupies the 6th position exactly behind the best in class/target model in quality.