When you’re spending $7 million for a Super Bowl spot, you want to make that investment go well beyond your 30 seconds in the game. Based on Ipsos Synthesio social intelligence, here are the brands that are dominating the conversation leading up to the big game. Check back weekly for new data as we approach the Super Bowl!
Synthesio: Brand conversation around the Super Bowl
Note: Click within the chart area to go to and stop at that specific time. Hover over the retailer icon for data label.
Ipsos Synthesio - 'Super Bowl' online weekly mentions from December 2, 2024. • Last updated February 10, 2025
Doritos takes an early lead in the social conversation around brands and the Super Bowl, with their “Crash the Super Bowl” ad competition. Taking a more innovative approach to Super Bowl creative development, Doritos asked their fans to submit user-generated content, with the best piece of content airing during the Super Bowl and the winner receiving $1 million. Ipsos assessed the three finalists. Check out our recommendation on which ad Doritos should lead with here.
Who's tuning in?
In a world with an increasingly fragmented media landscape, the Super Bowl stands out as a rare unifying event, capturing a massive audience across all demographics. More than half of all U.S. adults intend to watch the entire game.
I plan on watching all of the 2025 Super Bowl
Source: Ipsos FastFacts study fielded Dec. 5-6, 2024, among 1,000 U.S. adults 18-65
Source: Ipsos FastFacts study fielded Dec. 5-6, 2024, among 1,000 U.S. adults 18-65
Home or away?
A majority of viewers will be at their own home to watch the game. Many will be hosting and connecting with friends and family over the event.
Where do you plan on watching this year's Super Bowl?
Base: 711 U.S. adults who intend to watch at least part of the Super Bowl
Source: Ipsos FastFacts study fielded Dec. 5-6, 2024, among 1,000 U.S. adults 18-65
Base: 711 U.S. adults who intend to watch at least part of the Super Bowl
Source: Ipsos FastFacts study fielded Dec. 5-6, 2024, among 1,000 U.S. adults 18-65
What categories are most salient within Super Bowl advertising?
Food and snacks reign supreme, with two in three people saying they are most interested in seeing the ads from this category. While B2B brands have been investing more heavily in recent years, they have a ways to go in becoming more salient within the Super Bowl.
Top categories most interested in seeing advertised during the Super Bowl
Source: Ipsos FastFacts study fielded Dec. 5-6, 2024, among 1,000 U.S. adults 18-65
Source: Ipsos FastFacts study fielded Dec. 5-6, 2024, among 1,000 U.S. adults 18-65
What brands are in their memory bank?
Each year we hear people say “the ads aren’t as good as they used to be.” This is a perception driven by the fact that people only remember a handful of past ads. These ads form a reel in their mind, causing all new ads to be benchmarked to a few of the greatest hits.
In our Fast Facts study fielded in December 2024, we asked people to tell us what brands they remembered being advertised in previous Super Bowls – here are their top 5:










How impactful are the ads?
One in three people report having taken some sort of action as a result of seeing a Super Bowl ad in the past.

of people said they have purchased a product or service after seeing its Super Bowl ad.

of people said they have researched a product or service after seeing its Super Bowl ad.